
Guess I'll Hang My Tears Out (2014)

by Kristin Berardi & James Sherlock

Recorded and mixed by Mal Stanley at ABC studios on May 25th 2012

“A singer, accompanied by a guitarist. It’s an honest and challenging format, where both musicians need strong technique, complete trust in each other, and an unfailing instinct for where the beat would be if they had rhythm section with them.
Happily, vocalist Kristin Berardi and guitarist James Sherlock share these qualities, and more. They have been performing on and off as a duo since 2004 (this is their third duo album), so they know what they are doing, and how to best complement each other’s work.
Berardi has won jazz vocal competitions here and in Europe, and I suspect that their wins have been based not only on technical proficiency, but more so on the emotional sincerity of her vocal interpretations, and her ability to ensure that, when she takes liberties with a song, it isn’t at the expense of the lyric.
There is no better example than the opening track here, ‘Change Partners’. It’s usually played at a bright tempo, but she slows it right down, to create a performance full of frustrated yearning. Sherlock is with her at every turn, and when he takes a turn soloing, is no less absorbing a storyteller.”
Adrian Jackson, Rhythms Magazine, Jan/Feb 2015